Thursday, December 28, 2006


So a couple days ago, while holding my son in my arms, walking barefoot, I smashed my toe into a cement step at our new place. Cracked the toenail and bruised my left big toe.

Yesterday, 12-27-06, I'm trying to move our bed around, since I had just disassembled the head-board and I end up smashing that same toe on the box spring! I ended up ripping the toenail about 2/3rds off. It hurts like mad.

Just thought I'd share.

Oh, and we are moving this weekend........


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Birth Control

I have something to say to those who are so against birth control that they condemn ppl for using it: YOU ARE CONFUSED! BACK OFF!

I would rather see a person be selfish and self-centered and refusing to have kids than the sickos I keep reading about in the news.

I think it makes way more sense that ppl go childless than:
Let the pet eat their baby's toes.
Microwave their baby. (Sorry folks, it's no longer an urban legend)
Drown their child.
Sell their child as a prostitute.,,1575268,00.html
Imprisoning their child.
Neglect their child.
Molest their child.
Beat their child.
Tell their child they didn't want them in the first place.

Give me a break. These ppl should never have had children in the first place. Everyone sins. Everyone breaks some moral law. Even if birth control is a Sin, its consequences are FAR LESS than what these poor children are suffering.

Just to clarify, I'm talking about condoms, birth control pills, etc, NOT Abortion, that is simple murder and an abomination.

So please, if you don't want kids: DON'T have them. They know if you didn't want them even if you never hurt them.

A final note:
If you do want kids, have them sooner and together. I don't know how many people I know who decided after several years on birth control that they wanted kids only to find out the birth control messed them up and made them infertile. TALK to your doctor make sure your plan is sensible.
