Friday, January 6, 2006

Family Site Update!

Holy Cow, I actually did something to the family website.
Not huge but somewhat new pics at least!
Click link to the right to see.


Thursday, January 5, 2006


Well we are starting to feel a little better. Melissa still is feeling the worse, but it's not easy being pregnant.
I discovered the reason we may have not been recovering as fast as we should tho! I moved the sheet we use to keep the light out of our room (Melissa needs dark to sleep) and the sill was covered in MOLD! We cleaned it all up today and hopefully now the sinus problems will go away now and we can all feel better soon.

The plans to move are coming slowly. We still aren't sure what state we are going to move to. However, we do know that the move will be in late August so that the baby will be already born.
