Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Slow motion therapy

Well its back to the waiting game again. Despite having already seen the neurologist, we are still waiting for the MRI. UGH...well I guess even the specialists have a hard time swaying the bureaucrats at MediCal. Well onward we go!


Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Melissa and the neurologist part 2

Okay, so yesterday we go to Melissa's Neurologist appointment. Apparently this is a disease that you can't test positive for...in other words the only way to know for sure she has it is to test for EVERYthing else that could be causing her symptoms and if she doesn't have any of those then we can be sure she has Pseudo Tumor Cerebri. So the took some blood and are making sure she isn't pregnant or has a rare blood disease. We will soon be doing an MRI for her since sometimes CTscans miss tumors. They also upped her dosage of the medicine. Which she has come to dislike, because it apparently tastes Awful.

They also are working with her to lose wight since it is one of the risk factors. Also one of their doctors is doing research into a possible connection with sleep apnea so we are going to be taking part in that doctor's sleep study to see if that will help her, too. They did not give her another LP, but said that if they have to they will because her headaches have been getting really bad again. The one day she missed a dose of the meds she thought her head was going to explode.

Thank you for all of your prayers.


Friday, February 4, 2005

The math teacher and the calculator.

I am so getting sick of Professors, who dock me because I actually forked out the cash to get a decent calculator. My new Calculus professor has decided I can't use my TI-89 for her tests because the TI-89 can perform certain functions that the more common TI-86's and TI-83's cannot perform. This decision of course comes just days before one of the midterms. So now I have to borrow a calculator from the library to use during the test. Well I don't know if you know the difference betweeen the interfaces of the TI-86 and the TI-89, but lets put it this way: It like the difference of playing a FPS on the XBox and one on the PC. My TI-89 is way more flexible, has more functions and is more user friendly by a long shot.

The WORST part is that while digging thru the instruction for the TI-86 that I will have to be using, I found out that it does in fact have the functions that caused my professor to decide to ban my TI-89. They are just a different style of input, which not as easy use! So all those TI-86 users in my class, who really know their calculators are probably breathing a sigh of relief that she didn't ban theirs too. Cause then we'd all have to use $5 casios that don't even do logs...


Melissa and the neurologist part 1

Some Good news!!! After much arm wrestling, phone calls and ANOTHER Doctor's appointment we finally have approval for Melissa to see the neurologist. I am so glad our quack doctor just gave us a new prescription for her meds and sent off her referral immediately! Her appointment is next Tuesday so look for an update then.


Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Still Waiting

Well we are still waiting on the 'resubmitted' paperwork. We are at the point that Melissa's Meds are running out and will have no choice but to return to the ER which we are both dreading. Hopefully someone is going to respond to us soon. I can't believe what a nightmare this is becoming.

On a slightly positive note some people, including my mom, pointed out that with most good health insurance companies that the wait for coverage would only be 3-6 months instead of the 12 months I was thinking. That's a relief should I actually get a decent job anytime soon. (Of course, my goal is to own my own business, but that is a whole nother thing....)


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