Monday, August 8, 2005

My Final Fantasy Life

I have come to the realization that one game has defined a large part of my life. That game is Final Fantasy 7. No other game has stuck with me as much. No other music pulls me back to another time and causes such emotion attachment. Even today, almost a decade since I first played the game, when I hear the music many old memories and feelings surface.

One area of my life that it most certainly affects is my view on any game, even nonRPGs. I almost always find myself comparing the intensity of the story of a new game to FF7's or listening carefully to the music to see if it holds similar weight. I have found several sound tracks that stir up emotions within myself but so far none that have quite the power of FF7's. Even a game like Metroid Prime that is a totally different genre got the FF7 comparison. I like the music of Metroid and the story line was one of the best in the Metroid series, but in the end the points that didn't quite hit the FF7 par came out. The funny part is it didn't make me like Metroid any less, but rather influenced me to write a story to further expound on the history of Samus Aran. A story which I am very happy with at the moment and fully intend to continue writing until it is finished.

Of course FF7 greatly influences my gaming. I have built RP's around its story line and borrowed its Materia system idea for my own games. I find myself drawing on it as a resource often. This is also true of other FF's tho. My personal game idea has used the FF series as a comparison point. I often modify my game idea to make sure it would compete with the newest FF and many other good games. Even if I have to admit the series took a very strange turn after FF7.

I don't know if my music tastes were affected by playing FF7, but I do know that I look deeper than the surface when it comes to music. I want a story, an idea that has meaning and depth in my music. I judge music on more than just whether it 'rocks' or not. I want to feel the piece, to know what it means and why it was written. My favorite songs all have either (or both) sentiment appeal because they were in my head during a certain period of my life or because the story behind them affects me emotionally. For example, Enter Sandman by Metallica does both. I used to suffer from nightmares (well still do on occasion) and the song speaks to that subject, but I also first heard it (and saw the video) on MTV when I was living at my dad's house in Oregon. Having just been taken there cause I was too much for my mother to handle (I was an ass to her at the point in my life and it was a very good decision on her part, my teen years were pretty nuts) I was in a new situation with a messed up dad, who didn't even interact with my brother and I despite the fact that we were now living with him. I spent many night staying up until the wee hours watching Nick at night or MTV. The video just hit me. And it sticks with me even now. She's Gone by Bloodgood and Secret Ambition by Michael W. Smith both are songs to that stick with me due to their own story. Both are intense songs that tell a story and are very good songs musically. The FF7 theme is the same as these songs and I relive the game's story every time I hear it.

I also think that FF7 sticks with me because I played it while I was a teen and going thru some many changes and discoveries about myself and my family. The main character in the game, Cloud, goes thru an amazing metamorphosis and discovery about his past in the game and as a teenager it was very easy to relate to him, because it felt sometimes like my life was almost as nuts.



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