Saturday, October 22, 2005


"You can fool some of the people all of the time...and those are the ones were gonna focus on!"


I have to laugh to keep from screaming. I have the worst math professor. I didn't look him up on before signing up because it was the only class that fit my since then I have. He actually does have one of the lowest ratings of any professor at De Anza. I am struggling to keep my head afloat. I received a 'D' on the first major test. Normally math is such a breeze for me...Argh!

Thank goodness, that it's my only hard class this Quarter.

Life goes on.

We have realized that the likelyhood of staying in California much longer is very low. There just isn't enough here. This news has highly agitated my best friend. I keep telling him that he should move when we do, but he claims to actually like it here. He mostly doesn't want to move anywhere that gets 'too much' rain. Oregon is on the list of places I wouldn't mind moving because we have lived there before and since it actually gets rain more the a week or two out of the year, it's lush and green unlike California.

He and I are odd like that. In some ways we are kinda like Abbott and Costello combo. I love rain; he hates it. I hate sand and sun; he loves the beach. He's tactful; I'm blunt. I've got long hair; he's got short. I'm math, science and writing; he's art, music and history. (Although, I have pushed myself for many years to get decent at guitar and now I am a decent player, heh.) Although, we do share many things. We both love to role play. We spent hours playing Final Fantasy 7 in High School. Even pulled a few all nighters playing games. Now we both play World of Warcraft. We both have very eclectic music appreciation. (We both agree that Free Jazz is retarded.)

I love my buddy. Been friends for over a decade and I think that having a friend like that makes life sweeter. Thanks for being my friend, Darin.



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