Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What life has been like....

I realized that the details may have been a little sketchy.

This thing is a pain in the butt. The biggest thing in our life right now is keeping up with it. Melissa is fatigued and in pain. Since we are both students scraping by this makes our schedule a little tighter. Fortunately, we have her parents to help with watching the kids and now that Arriana is in school she is taken care of for most of the day during the week. All of our professors are pretty sympathetic. I am a little behind but nothing huge. Melissa had to drop a couple classes but she remains optomistic about the rest of them.

Insurance. As some of you know we are covered my Medi-cal because we are students and don't own our own home, etc...They have been good so far about covering the medical costs. Mostly they have been a hassle to get into the doctor. So far I have had to make dozens of calls to get anything done. To even get her in to see the ophthalmologist, I had to call and call. At first they denied the claim mostly due to a paperwork error. I had to appeal it to get it approved. This took about 2 weeks. During which Melissa was in pain and having vision problems. After seeing the ophthalmologist, we found out how bad it was and the Dr. said she would get us the refferal to get a CTScan or MRI to rule out a Tumor. She quickly found out that the process was going to take a week or more for that, so she told us to got to the ER. Fortunately, it seems Medical thinks the ER visit was justified. I have no idea what we will do if they don't since it was an extremely expensive visit.

Now we wait for the next refferal. I just got off the phone with Medical and it seems there is another paperwork snafu........

We don't know how much Medi-cal is going to cover in the end. The scary part is that as of right now the treatments are life long. Which is going to make things difficult once we have a decent income level because most insurances will look at it as a preexisting condition.

The Get Well Fund is not Melissa's idea (she doesn't really like it, actually...) I figured that this is both going to become a major problem and because as students we are just barely making it as is. With her needing me more at home I will have less time to do the temp work I have been doing. Please don't feel obligated. Give if you can and be blessed in doing so.


To donate to the help Melissa Get Well Fund:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Luke, Hang in there man. (It's Joshua. I didn't want to take the time to register a user name quite yet.) I wish I could give some sort of upliftment, but I don't have much to say. Melissa's condition encourages my excitement about bodies that don't get sick or hurt after Yeshua returns. I'll be able to see again, and Melissa won't have any more fatigue or headaches.

2:21 PM  

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