Saturday, April 2, 2005

Spring Break Ends

Times are back and forth. This week was spring break for wild parties, drunken orgies or bead wait..that's Mardi Gras...Oh man!!! I missed April fools day!!!

Well, this week was a little up and down. Several days Melissa was in massive amounts of pain and about ready to go to the Neurologist's office just to strangle them. We found out that they had scheduled her MRI follow up apointment 3 hours BEFORE she was to get her MRI. So I called them and pointed out the problem with their logic. They then insisted that the next available appointment wouldn't be until 2 months from now!!! I told them that that was totally unacceptable. They said that they would have to call me back. (Understand that this is the final appointment that will establish for sure that this is truly not a tumor) Melissa was livid. She told me that there was no way she could talk to these people and that I needed to take care of this which is fine. (I usually do, to save her on the stress.)
Unfortunately, they called back when I was with Kesi at her Speech Doctor appt. They told her that there was no way the could get a sooner appt. She went ballistic. She has friend she met in her ceramics class who has the same problem and got all of her tests taken care of in less than a month thru Stanford. Melissa pointed this out and threatened to leave this Doctor. After a few minutes of being assaulted they relented and "squeezed" her in for an appt one week after the MRI. Melissa is still a little irritated about that.

Kesi has partially decided that she wants to be able to wear 'big girl undies' and is doing fairly well at potty training now.

Kesi is also becoming increasingly more clear. It startles me to hear her say some of things she is now saying with such clarity. We still have a long way to go tho.

Arriana is doing well at school. We intend to home school but she and Melissa have serious conflicts of personality so we felt putting her 'in the system' for a couple years would help create the structure she might need to be able to handle being trained by us. She is enjoying the play time but at this rate Kesi is going to catch up and pass her academically.

N'tan is bold and determined. He now has the ability to climb to grab stuff on the highest shelves and on top of my desk. He also has the Biggest sweet tooth of all the children. He is a total chocoholic and obsessed with candy. Once he knows you have something he will not let you go until he is absolutely sure it's all gone. And if you didn't share; beware! A tantrum is probably soon to follow. (He's throwing one as I type this...)



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